In this article, a detailed review and all the signs of symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine. Osteochondrosis is a degenerative destruction of the intervertebral discs and degenerative intervertebral manifestations.

However, because of the violation of the integrity of the intervertebral component, appear more terrible disease, hernia and protrusion, even bone destruction.
What is osteochondrosis
Man must remember that the process of destruction of the vertebrae and discs is irreversible the original performance and to restore does not work. All you can do is slow the process of destruction.
Cervical osteochondrosis dangerous is much like that in the back there is a huge number and nerve fibers of blood vessels, acts directly on the brain and body in General. The vertebrae in the cervical region are very close to each other, which also creates risk.
Something to squeeze the nerve endings, blood vessels, blood vessels interferes with blood circulation and nutrition, and whole organism, which leads to several symptoms.
Cervical osteochondrosis is not null and void, dismantle, muiden with because of the similarity of diseases. And in the early stages, you can take up it's normal tiredness or overexertion. And are often the diagnosis wrong. When the diagnosis is important to determine which nerve branches are compressed, perhaps because the brain suffers lack of blood circulation.
A common cervical degenerative disc symptoms of the disease are:
- Headache. This is the first and constant symptom. With the development of the disease, the pain is worse. The pain is similar to migraine, but docked painkillers. Of course, if you run the disease, the pain medications no longer work. Basically, experiencing the pulsation of the temporal persons and occipital region. Found and parietal locations.
- Weakness in the arms. It is considered a sign of damage to the nerve process, which is responsible for the regulation of innervation of the upper limbs. The damage may very well be a strong, even stroke.
- Poor mobility, crunch. With cervical osteochondrosis turn your head often difficult. Also the head forward and the movements are limited to backward. In this case, And with a crunch in the joints.
- Numbness of the hands or other parts of the body. Hands or fingers you may lose sensitivity. If you do not treat low back pain, numbness increases, until complete or partial paralysis of the body. Depending on the area of the lesion of what nerve endings is damaged.
- The deterioration of vision hearing and. Sometimes there is a feeling of numbness tongue and lips, flashing "flies" before the eyes, blurred objects. Lose the influence of these bodies as close to each other and lack of oxygen in the brain.
- The lack of air. Visible lesions of the cervix often due to irritation of the phrenic nerve. The patient is unable to breathe, and to experience shortness of breath shortness of breath, snoring appear. The result is hypoxia, constant fatigue, loss of memory, attention, weakness and malaise.
- Dizziness. Very unpleasant symptoms that violate the coordination of movements. Accompanied sometimes by nausea, fainting, tinnitus. Feel the vibration of the floor under his feet. Appears, when the oxygen starvation of the brain dysfunction of the river vuoksi and the blood vessels arteries.


A lot of them. Does not show Yet a clear opinion, why lower back pain affects a specific area of the spine. But, for a long time authors have been known.
A way of life
The most common cause of cervical degenerative disc disease. Because modern man is presented in different recreational species. Model changes in society and social behavior, progress does not stand still and the pain in the lower back more and more "younger".
Belong to This group:
- lack of exercise — lack of exercise;
- bad and diet being overweight;
- continuous tense, or unpleasant (among the and general drivers, office workers);
- the lack of stress on the spine, which weakens the muscle corset;
- on the contrary, too much load on the spine.
Injuries of the spine, in 90% of cases suffering from uterine neck. Number of violations detected, but sometimes the development of the disease takes time.
Disorders hormonal
For this reason, can not affect the unnecessary people in middle age, but a teenager, during the restructuring of the whole organism. It is worth noting that in this case, the disease is preventable and treatable.
If to speak about menopause in women and hormonal diseases, diabetes and multiple sclerosis, treatment is symptomatic.
Genetic predisposition
This factor is associated with more, because genetics is not based on the development of the disease. But remember it will affect the appearance of reasons.
Musculoskeletal diseases
This – scoliosis, bad posture.

Diagnosis of the disease
The diagnosis can be found in vain to the doctor. When the first symptoms of osteoarthritis, be sure to consult with an expert. The diagnosis of full of of several methods.
For example, to apply:
- CT (computed tomography);
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
- dopplerographic examination of blood vessels;
- x-ray is a commonly used method to detect the disease.
Each method is effective at a certain stage of development of osteochondrosis. Radiography, for Example, is not informative in the early stage of the pathology.
Serious disease associated with disorders of feeling, paralysis and fainting, held Doppler.
Since the diagnosis will affect the success of treatment. What he used, the more likely that at least disturbances of the spine.
The stage of the disease
Distinguish 4 stages of the development of osteochondrosis.
- English pain in the neck, the neck region by palpation. Thus react to the affected nerve branches. The pain is worse when moving the head, often in curves. Although at this stage the spine is intact, the affected vertebrae.
- Characterized by pain shooting character, the hand that gives, the shoulder or due to the movement of the head. Pain similar to a migraine. Develops insomnia. This stage of the disease the spinal discs begin to change destructive.
- The pain becomes constant, amplifying. Numbness and stiffness of the limbs, head movements difficult. Hands still feel weak. Suffer memory and attention. The intervertebral discs has been broken, he will develop cracks, and the nerves to bulge. The formation of a herniated disc.
- The complete destruction of not only boards, but also of the vertebrae. The bone was also destroyed. At this stage, surgical intervention is necessary, as are the resulting in hernias the result of stroke do not the hands in vain, but also to the entire body.
It is believed that the lower back pain treatment at home can be in vain the first two steps. The third requires more monitoring of professional and treatment under the supervision of a neurologist or vertebrologist.
Care at home
It is worth mentioning that even care in the first stage without consulting a doctor is not carried out. Still, the diagnosis of cervical degenerative disc disease in addition to advice necessary to make the diagnosis and studies. When can low back pain masquerade as more serious pathology associated with heart failure.
If the diagnosis is wrong, then the treatment is prescribed late. The consequences can be terrible – cerebral ischemia, stroke, spinal nerve compression, and other diseases that threaten the patient's life.
At home treatment consists of:

- network tasks;
- massage;
- medical gymnastics.
It is important to approach treatment holistically. The result Otherwise to be or not to be, but temporary.
The appointment of drug use and the need of relief from severe pain, mobilization of the disease, relieve symptoms.
Medications can be dispensed in different directions:
- lower blood pressure improve brain and activity – the so-called neuro-protection. He drugs are a large group;
- to improve vision;
- or prevent the numbness to relieve the muscle spasm – muscle relaxants;
- anti-inflammatory –;
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory – reduces inflammation, pain in the acute stage. They are not only tablets available, but also capsules, ointments and solutions for injections. Not intended for long-term use, very because of the effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
- b-vitamins (B1, B6, B12). To help restore the health of the brain and nervous system. Responsible for transmission of nerve impulses.
Vitamins can be taken in pill form or injections under the scheme. The second option will allow you to achieve better effect;
Chondroprotectors occupy a special place. Are drugs, come up with a better nutrition of the intervertebral cartilage, which slows down and the dystrophic degenerative. Effective in vain for the first two steps.
It is an integral part of the treatment. Traditional massage is the advice of experts should organise training courses every six months. Today, there are a lot of methods of treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical region and there is a lot to choose from.
For example, the practical need and the techniques that have been proven in a positive way and give a good result of the treatment.
Recently, the direction of osteopathy, is very interesting, taking into account because the body of the people as a single unit with the musculoskeletal system, mental nervous and. He all are one. Treatment full hand.
Acupuncture is also a good solution, provided by keeping it to an experienced technician.
Hirudotherapy or leech therapy effectiveness is comparable to acupuncture.
We have already talked about the fact that one of the factors that influence the development of cervical degenerative disc disease is low physical activity of the back muscles. In our days we are most of the time we spend in a seated position without changing your posture, which can be quite unpleasant.
Important information! You can do exercises during acute pain.
Maintain, strengthen and muscular system need daily to follow the ten simple exercises. They are particularly relevant to the first manifestations of the disease.

- Starting position – standing upright, naked, shoulder-width apart, stomach in and shoulders back. In this position of the hands must be raised sideways upward and, joining at the top, if the abstraction then. Feel how the blades are connected. After that, the position of the body in line. Repeat up to 7 times.
- Yip same-east asia. Okay, wait a minute as hard as you can your elbows forward. Then put your hands back so that his hands touched his elbows. Don't forget to involve the stomach constantly. Repeat up to 10 times.
- Better this teaches to perform standing up, but if it is difficult to dizziness or, so it is acceptable in a sitting position. Neck and Keep straight, shoulders straightened. The head should turn to the left and to the shoulder without lifting the chin to get to it. Same in the other direction. Teach done alternately snooze up to 5 times.
- Similar to teaching, # 3, in a vain head, not tilted forward and back very slowly.
- Slowly and gently semi-circle is tilted forward on her head, from left shoulder to right and back again. Attention! It is impossible to make a circular motion, to no avail half of the circle!
- IP-permanent. A man should do and hands into a fist propping up his chin. Press your chin with your hands for 5 seconds, then change the position of the occipital region. Very effective teach training the muscles of the neck. 4 the Second time.
- Sitting hands rest on his hips and the head is tilted forward. The ideal is a situation when the chin rests on the chest. From this perspective, turn your head to the left and then right. It is important that all the time the chin touches the chest. Repeat up to 10 times.
- You need a chair the lower back. It is good if this will teach all at least 4 times. Shoulders straightened. The task is to try to-look at the wall behind him.
- Sitting in a chair. Hands between his knees. Exhale – tilt to the side. Breathe – position directly. Running alternately left and right 7 times.
- Exercise stomach. Lying down need to bend up, trying to-fix body high and as far as possible longer. 6 the Second time.
Is a Complex of useless time to make it convenient and increase gradually the number of repetitions.
Folk remedies
Treatment of folk remedies is more aimed at warming the patient zone. But here a man must be careful of such practices, as the neck is very close to the brain. And so instead of heal, can harm.
Treatment of folk recipes, it is better to choose a softer effect, to avoid serious irritation.
- Cream my grandmother. Not ny of iodine camphor-10 ml, analgin – 10 tablets, crushed, alcohol – 300 ml, mixed All, and the neck smeared with a thin layer overnight.
- Potato poultice of grated potatoes and honey. On top of the night.
- A poultice of horseradish. Fresh leaves of horseradish are processed over the steam and on the neck the compress for 15 minutes.
- Packaged aloe. Take 1 part of aloe leaves and grind, add 2 parts 3 parts honey and alcohol in the product. The mixture should stand for 12 hours. The compress is applied for a maximum of 15 minutes.