A less common form of osteochondrosis all available — chest. This form is considered terrible more than the symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the thoracic spine is often wrongly attributed to other diseases, or, for example, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris. Rauma anyone can see how this disease is terrible and how to deal with it, and also see the image on the subject of pathology.
What is GOH?
The disease is degenerative dystrophic changes of the intervertebral discs of the thoracic spine.
The thoracic spine consists of 12 vertebrae. He is less mobile is protected and very muscular corset. Because of these properties osteochondrosis is considered the most rare pathology.
However, given the global focus on increasing the prevalence of low back pain, all episodes of generalized degenerative disc disease of the localization of the thoracic spine.
A deeper understanding of the GOH, see-the disease of the code and its forms according to ICD-10.
The specifics of What this part of the spine?
Low mobility is associated with the anatomical hallmark of its connection to the vertebrae ribs sternum and provides the opportunity to form a fairly flexible and sustainable system that is less prone to injuries in the action and external.
Statistically proven is the fact that this small load tennent facilitated by the fact that the man the emergence of any complications come across very rarely. But at the same time is the occurrence of void to describe something extraordinary, for example, posture curvature and you can't be sure, precipitating conditions leading to the emergence of diseases of the spine.
The main reason GOGH degenerative changes in the tissues are and complication of the metabolic processes, because of the bad and dietary unreasonable load on the intervertebral discs.
Use the camera of thoracic osteochondrosis formed as a result of prolonged sitting in an uncomfortable posture, English scoliosis, forming an uneven load on the spine.
Manifestation Dorigo expressed sharp heavy pain, take the form of an unexpected attack. In addition, restrictions on the mobility of the spine can occur shortness of breath.
If dorsalgia pain localized to the area affected drives, it is a long, and relatively weakly manifested with decreased activity of the lumbar-thoracic or cervical-thoracic spine.
Doctors 4 ° disease:

- Due to the rupture of the intervertebral disc, trigger a sharp move or a huge load. The patient in this period of intense pain in the spine and feel all the muscles of the excitement.
- Diagnosed if you experience symptoms of intervertebral disc protrusion (protrusion 5 mm) and English unstable spine. A man should make a thorough diagnostic examination to identify the stage of the disease.
- Characterized by frequent feelings of pain, breathing difficulties, small disorders and heart headaches. In addition to the high possibility of a herniated disc.
- Considered the most dangerous to human health. It is the appearance of osteophytes that compress the spinal cord and its nerve endings.
To further explain one of the important symptoms of the various stages.
At the beginning of
Early stages of the disease completely expresses itself. Often, even strongly, manifested by the pain syndrome to become neurological disorders (nausea, "floaters" in the eye, etc.) that the patient associates with questions back.
Chest pain
Seen the heart area, chest, back, flank, upper abdomen. Ailments aggravated when you inhale and exhale during the movement. Can feel the numbness in the left arm and interscapular regions.
Feeling the pressure
Pain between the shoulder blades at times with the lack of air feeling when breathing. Doctors advise not to panic, sit unfortunately and and to determine the pulse.
Throw If not of the stabilisation and association agreement exceeds 100 beats per minute, the probability of pathology in the functioning of the lungs or heart is quite small.
Reflex syndromes

Reflex excitement of the paravertebral muscles observed in the dorsalgia, often asymmetric, occurs on the convex side of the deformity.
Syndrome of the anterior chest wall. The pain is caused visible stress and degenerative changes of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, from the sternum.
The pain increases when the load on the muscles of the chest, when you turn your head and body.
There is a strong and sudden flash of pain, the so-called "cross", which appears in the interscapular location and at any time can occur. Directly kun seizure patients present in the "dagger blow", followed by a sudden spasm of the spinal muscles.
In addition to severe pain, which manifests itself in shortness of breath significant limitation and freedom of movement. This disease complication of degenerative disc periodic spasms can last up to several weeks.
What is dangerous radicular syndrome?
Osteochondrosis formed radicular syndrome with always accompanied by pain. When the pain spasms that are felt in the chest, often similar to angina. But unlike her, the pain factor can be eliminated by receiving vasodilator drug and the suspension of physical activity. Every movement of the body and, in addition, cough heavy and breathing is causing significant pain.
Common signs of radicular osteochondrosis of the thoracic, in addition to pain, lumbago, considered to be paresis, incomplete or absolute receptivity, the lack and the change in the tendon reflexes of the tissues identified in the process of neurological research. Also, this syndrome may involve hair loss, swelling of the limbs, blueness of the skin.
Signs of subacute stage

After the Start, when the acute subacute stage of the process of thoracic osteochondrosis. Pain breathing problems and, but they are considerably less active. People are not looking for comfort of the body, which are not felt unwell.
Duration of up to subacute over a period of 2 weeks. Subject to all of the doctor's office is characterized by the deterioration of the absence of manifested symptoms. Failure to comply with the regime will lead to a new aggravation of degenerative disc disease.
In remission may appear a small uncomfortable feelings when the weather changes exposure or after. Sharp pain occurs in osteochondrosis 2-4 severity in vain due to sudden rotation or tilting of the body.
Consider psychosomatics cough.
What causes a cough?
Pathology of the spine cough, accompanied by pain in the throat, mostly on the other side. At the beginning of their medical term, such as a sore throat. In the later stages of degenerative disc disease of the unpleasant feelings become persistent, aggravated at night.
Neurological symptoms, such as headache, dizziness, dizziness, blurred vision, feeling of fatigue, shortness of breath, appear on the spine plates, inter, and when compressed the nerve endings of blood vessels.
These feelings can appear in the region of the stomach, when a person is directed to the study of the liver, pancreas, etc, not thinking that the ultimate cause of pain in osteochondrosis of the thoracic. A combination of some of chondrosis shapes and neck to the chest, people can complain, feeling of a foreign body in the throat, which becomes pronounced exercise or after lag after an uncomfortable posture.
Vegetative parts

It can be:
- flaking dryness and in the area of innervation of individual nerve;
- local and faults sweating thermoregulation (also in the area of innervation);
- tional coldness of the extremities, brittleness of the nails in the feet;
- pain, simulating disease of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g., gastritis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, and so on);
- pain in the kidneys, which is actually not related to renal pathology (no change in the urine and ultrasound);
- pain in the heart, angina pectoris and as also myocardial infarction.
That, cramps and dizziness?
When breast osteochondrosis observed, convulsions and dizziness.
Pathology of the vertebrae What is possible, that his to increase the pressure?
If thoracic degenerative disc disease can also be diagnosed, there is increased pressure. Than chest artery is located, a clamp, affect the pressure.
It is possible to heat the body in the bath, which is high blood pressure?
Bath slightly elevated pressure can hurt. 3 or 4 stages of hypertension steam bath is prohibited, because it leads to death. Stage 1 and 2 hypertension target-organ damage are not, so the spa is acceptable.
Digestive tract and disease
Through the form of osteochondrosis, pain in the intestines appear when the pinned root region of 8 to 9 vertebrae (disturbed innervation of the gastrointestinal tract).
Painful impulses coming from the nerve endings of the spinal cord in the intestine, improve peristalsis. A person concerned about the bloating, cramping pain in the region of the duodenum.
Angina pectoris and disease
The chest on the nerve and many fibers braids, after which the irritation, pain. Otherwise, spacers, tapering leads to compression of the nerve roots of the thoracic spine, when the pain mimics a heart attack.
Other Common symptoms

Disorder, feeling of the hand, they become more cold, feel cold, according to him, "run creepy".
In certain embodiments, the signs of osteochondrosis of the thoracic resemble a panic attack (fear, palpitations, sweating). Along with the pain in retrosternal behind can be the symptom of myocardial infarction, for this reason it is better to take a vasodilator to call and drug for an Ambulance, which will make a heart curve.
The digestive system: often an exacerbation of gastritis, constipation, bloating, recurrent abdominal discomfort, in the abdomen, intermittent diarrhea, without errors in diet.
Dorigo is a sudden sharp and pain. To pay, when a man is in a certain position for a long time, then a sudden change in her. Can appear shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, muscle poorly controlled.
Dorsalgia is stretching chronic pain, little has been expressed, that the patient's discomfort.
Damaged in any way, the spine root is the most painful impulses to various internal organs, including the heart. When you accept the appearance of symptoms on different versions of arrhythmias, however, they are more often arrhythmia (irregular heart add to invoice) or sinus tachycardia (uniform frequent palpitations).
The diagnosis is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that this form is not clear disease specific features characteristic of degenerative disease of the spine, medicine and works on the symptoms of diseases of the internal organs.
A diagnosis of degenerative changes in the Independent disc disease of the breast man need to focus on the symptoms of diseases of the internal organs. When it is paid, the failure of specific treatment and it is necessary to go through the differential diagnosis, which will help determine the pathological process.

Detection of the disease, which has provoked the appearance of the chest area pain syndrome began medical history.
In this case, the expert with high accuracy to learn the unpleasant sensations of the nature and cause Hey before. It helps to have a presumably to confirm the diagnosis, the patient may be thoracic osteochondrosis. The next step is the individual inspection and palpation of the affected area. It provides an opportunity to determine the English of the vertebrae hernia.
When you get indirect evidence of the formation of thoracic degenerative disc disease, the doctor prescribes blood tests. Such research is essential because it shows the English of the body's inflammatory process, which is associated with the degenerative course of the spine.
But in order to achieve maximum accuracy of determining the root cause of the ailments of the chest, the definition of osteoarthritis develops in the middle part of the spine, man has to pass:
- Laboratory tests and instrumental diagnostics (ECG, ultrasound, x-ray).
- Neurological research.
- MRI to accurately establish not only the English of the vertebrae hernia, but the extent to which affected degenerationism effect on the nerve endings.
- X-ray in 2 projections.
In vain a holistic approach to treatment, so you can do all the poi signs of osteoarthritis, suspend, or discontinue entirely its spread healthy disc and vertebrae. Pathology of 1-2 ° to the applied conservative methods of treatment. Degenerative disc disease 3-4 levels inherent in the formation of large hernias. In order to constriction remove their blood vessels in the spinal cord and roots, may need surgical treatment.
Treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis applied medication substance in the different companies, and clinical pharmacological. In the initial stage, the funds are used intravenously, quickly has a therapeutic effect. A few days after the injection solutions instead of tablets, creams, plasters.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Anti-inflammatory drugs have shown analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect. Localized sharp pain to give intramuscular solutions.
Remove small pain between the shoulder blades, tools for local application use. Mild pain Nsaids And are going to do well orally.
Muscle relaxants
Remove muscle spasms, which are formed in response to the great pain, are easier.
This level of pathology 1, course approval of chondroprotectors to promote the regeneration of damaged discs. In other embodiments, the drug is prescribed to improve the metabolism of the affected area of the spine, prevent progression of the disease.
Vitamins group B
Vitamins have entered drug treatment in patients with pathology of any severity. Their use helps to increase blood circulation, improve the activity of the peripheral nervous system, again and trophism of the innervation.
The combination of vitamins B beneficial effect on degenerative diseases of the nerves and musculoskeletal system.
Occupational therapy treatment
Treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis applied to magneto therapy, laser therapy, UHF-therapy, sinusoidal currents, shock wave therapy, paraffin applications, and ozokerite. Kun are exacerbations electrophoresis, phonophoresis with corticosteroids, anesthetics, and vitamins a, B class, chondroprotectors.
Massage and manual techniques
Massage helps to eliminate pain between the shoulder blades, spazmirovannah relaxation of the muscles.
Osteochondrosis therapeutically effective in all types of massage — a traditional, vacuum, acupuncture, connective tissue.
At home massage comfortable to implement with the help of electric massager with a long handle.
Gymnastics and occupational therapy
If thoracic degenerative disc disease-level 1 everyday occupational therapy sessions give the opportunity to abandon the medication. Treatment is carried out by maintaining the muscles, and improves blood circulation in the tissues of the nutrients. In other embodiments, gymnastics and a regular class can prevent the inclusion of the destructive process of a healthy spine part, to continue the withdrawal.
A set of exercises at home
Exercises in a standing position:
- bending forward, lifting alternately the bent leg;
- tilts to the side hands are lifted alternately;
- bending forward, trying to-from the hand-opposite foot.
The number of repetitions — 10-12 times for 2-3 sets.
To teach lying down need sports a thick mat or folded twice for a blanket:
- lie on your stomach, lift legs and arms at the same time.
- lie on your back and lift the torso, reach the arms to the legs;
- lying on the back bend 1 leg to get him another, trying to touch knee to the floor.
Each lesson must be completed 7-10 times.

Chondrosis Folk remedy
Decoctions infusions pharmaceutical are and plants, ointment, alcohol, and oil rubbing, compresses neurologists allows you to use after the main treatment.
Folk remedies used to eliminate the small discomfort between the shoulder blades, sometimes occur, when the physical exercises. Celery and use the root of sunflower seeds, you can also make homemade cream.
Feature treatment of exacerbation
Treatment includes:
- localization of symptoms, pain and local pain medicines for internal use;
- bed rest;
- to wear a corset for the spine repair.
If the aggravation is serious, the man need to call an ambulance. Access to the hospital the doctor watch the patient and to select the mode of the medication.
How to remove an attack?
Pain during a recurrence of thoracic degenerative disc disease can be acute, piercing, so the man should give first aid. The patient should be calm, put on a hard surface, cover with a warm blanket. If there is a repeat heart palpitations, shortness of breath, high anxiety, need to call the doctor. To mitigate the pain of not-having-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
Complications and consequences
Without medical treatment in breast osteochondrosis may be a factor, pulmonary fibrosis, arrhythmias, dystonia, offset inferior to the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the sexual-reproductive ability and the girls and the men.
Without quick proper treatment, it can cause the following diseases:
- protrusion and hernia of the thoracic spine;
- compression of the spinal cord;
- heart problems, intestines, liver, kidneys and pancreas.
- irregularities in the duodenum, peristalsis in the intestine, dyskinesia of the gallbladder;
- intercostal neuralgia — compression or crush the irritation of the intercostal nerves.
Outlook positive for early detection of the disease, comprehensive treatment. If there were complications thoracic osteochondrosis, in vain in compliance with all of the doctor's office gives the opportunity to achieve a stable remission.
The prevention of pathology of the neurologists suggested a normal way of life provokes to leave its causes. This excess weight, low physical activity, lack of vitamins and minerals, the extra load on the spine.
Position at rest Right and sleep during the
Proper planting. Soft furniture is not recommended. Excessive pressure on the spine can help to avoid such a condition, if the body is supported on the ischial tuberosity. It can be useless on hard chairs. The chair Height must be comparable to the shins. The leg is the weight to the floor. Every 15-20 minutes it should change the position of the feet, carried out of their workout. Back would be next to tightly behind the chair. Body must be kept straight.

How to stand osteochondrosis. If you have the time, the spine lies a lot of work, especially in the lower back.
- To help the spine to reduce the load it is necessary to change every 10-15 minutes posture.
- Man must rely on 1, then another foot.
- The stabilisation and association agreement walk on the spot, ie not be a pillar, and move.
- Sometimes it is necessary to bend back, stretching his arms up and take a full breath.
These procedures are necessary in order to eliminate the fatigue of the muscles of the back, neck, shoulder area.
How to sleep?
Lie on your back, bent legs and the vertebrae remain physiological in them, unlike their posture, when the legs are straightened – the muscles of the lower back remains in a state of stress.
Lying in a fetal position – on his side, pulled up to his chest, bent legs. The greatest comfort possible to put a small pillow under his feet. In this position the spine is relaxed and very patient better I feel.
Each exercise in the complex health is the most important role in swimming i. It is very effective in the prevention of osteoarthritis. Navigation is a possible form of treatment, which formed the osteoarthritis before, but not at the time of acute illness, unnecessary if there are no complaints and and spinal ailments of the limbs.
Good medical result offers an innovative system with a pleasant massage. Pain syndrome removed similar to the massage released the first procedure.
Diet and nutrition during pregnancy
Many pain medications during pregnancy against is contraindicated, and for this reason neurologists priority medicines for external use — ointments, gels, plasters. Without the pills If you can't do, their dose is considerably diminished. During the address of the current sources-bearings-the main methods of treatment of thoracic degenerative disc disease massage treatment and exercise.
Nutritionists advise patients to refrain from fatty meat, fatty soups, smoked meats, homemade pickles and the factory. Man must reduce the amount of food the amount of salt, which triggers the development of edema. Every day should drink about 2.5 liters of fluid — water, vegetable juice, berry, fruit drinks, fruit compotes.
To avoid problems with the thoracic spine, it is often necessary for the first symptoms to see a specialist. Not to self-medicate. If you suspect breast osteochondrosis should be a thorough diagnosis, able to distinguish, thoracic osteochondrosis other diseases.