Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a common disease, accompanied by discomfort in the shoulder girdle, private, dizziness and General weakness, increased fatigability. Earlier diagnosis allows timely initiation of treatment and prevent serious complications. Treatment is chosen individually, but always requires a comprehensive approach. The patient is prescribed medication, occupational therapy, massage, and compresses rubbing use at home.
Osteochondrosis of the cervical region is progressing slowly, but gradually leads to severe degenerative cartilage of the fate of the vertebrae. If, even minor stress provokes their removal, pinched nerve, oxygen starvation of the brain. Therefore, when the first symptoms should consult a doctor.
Alarm person has these features:
- Occasionally occur pain in the neck, or minor discomfort.
- Dizziness, headache, syncope.
- When turning neck hear the crunch.
- Continued loss of memory and deterioration of intellectual abilities in the short term.
- Any of or dysfunction vision the hearing.
- A feeling of weakness in the hands.
- Numbness of the skin.
- The loss of flexibility of the neck, tension, stiffness.
Treatment of osteochondrosis in house conditions on the full using a variety of medical devices. The most effective treatment for early stages of the disease, but it is usually this time is not the problem, therefore, is detected by chance or progressing slowly. It is recommended to undergo preventive examination by a people in danger, i.e., after trauma, often subject to stress, obesity and lack of exercise.
The main objectives of treatment at home
Decide to deal with cervical osteochondrosis in house conditions on a doctor, if there are no patients with serious violations of the conditions, the symptoms are mild indications of hospitalization. Selected tactics of treatment is aimed at removing the unpleasant symptoms of the pathological process and the following tasks:
- Normalization of blood circulation in the affected area.
- Removal of hypoxia of the brain.
- Normalization of sleep.
- Prevention of the rapid development of the disease.
- Improve the blood circulation.
- Launch regenerative processes to restore cartilage.
- Saturate the body and vitamins minerals.
- Eliminate anxiety, panic attacks, irritability.
- To improve the condition of the cervical spine.
Improve chondrosis completely impossible, but the right approach can significantly slow down the process, health status, return to normal and to maintain a high quality of life years. This is a holistic approach that includes dietary modification, increasing physical activity, medications, visiting massage.
At cervical osteochondrosis it is possible to useless in strict compliance with all recommendations of the doctor, constant monitoring, medicines, food ny, ny-designed exercises.
To start the treatment of cervical chondrosis is to eliminate pain syndrome. Expert This selects the appropriate painkillers. The pharmacological industry offers a variety of media, different operating principle, shape and price. Acute unbearable pain possible novocaine blockade. When calculating the main symptoms allowed the use of alternative methods. It can be:
- Massage – muscle spasms removed, and the pain of suspense.
- Exercise – to strengthen muscles, restore the normal support of the spine, to restore its flexibility.
- Mud bath and warming the affected area permanently eliminate the symptoms of pain.
- Manual therapy restores the metabolism and improves blood circulation, eliminates the oxygen starvation of the brain.
- Reflexology – reduce soreness to the field, start regeneration processes in the cartilage tissue.
- Acupuncture stimulates metabolism, improves the condition of cartilage tissue reduces the expression of pain in the affected area.
The available methods of treatment at home, creams, rubbing, baths, decoctions, compresses. Such traditional medicines, has long been known, and are known for their safety, ease of use and the minimum number of topics.
Medicines at home
It is impossible to treat cervical degenerative disc disease without the use of drugs. They are prescribed primarily to remove acute pain, suppression of the spread of the inflammation and begin to reform the damaged cartilage.
Usually the Complex includes the following group of drugs:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are aimed at the suppression of inflammation, eliminate swelling and improve the patient's condition in General. Applied in the form of tablets, capsules or ointments.
- The muscle relaxants. They aim to deal with tone and spasms, reduce pain, slow the symptoms and progression of the disease.
- Corticosteroids. Specified the removal of the inflammatory process fast, but is the name used in extreme cases instead of Nsaids because can cause sugar in the blood of the son, and the rise in blood pressure.
- Blockade. Appointed to the unbearable pain, when other methods do not help a sigh of relief. Directly to the affected area That the drug, which allows you to quickly remove the pain.
- Sedatives. They aimed at removing depression, irritability, anxiety and, and normalize sleep and return to normal.
- Diuretic. Such remedies have diuretic and helps to remove excess fluid from the body. He was appointed by the attending violates the the doctor and brain blood circulation in the English elevated intracranial pressure.
- Chondroprotectors. Is given as tablets, injections or creams. The last form is the least effective, because the main task of drug reform damaged cartilage degenerative processes, and to slow down.
- Vitamins B6, B12 C. narcotic Drugs And their content and, improve blood circulation, normalize the metabolism, eliminate the causes that trigger the disease, strengthen the nervous system.
Medical treatment includes also non-medications in vain, but also the use of local funds. It can be or rubbing the medicated plasters. They are derived from plant extracts, toxins, insects, or pepper. Very limited to pain, inflammation and pain patches.
Therapeutic baths
Osteochondrosis of the cervical-thoracic at home it is advisable to deal with hot baths. He add a decoction of herbs, which helps achieve a stable therapeutic effect. The advantage of this method is a nun in the affected area effect and thus improve the condition. No baths with the addition of the following herbs:
- Daisy. It is enough to take 300 grams of dry because people carry (sold in any drugstore) and brew 5 liters of boiling water. Bath done This before going to bed, because it has a powerful calming effect.
- Bird knotweed. You will need 300 g of dried herb, pour 5 liters of hot water, infuse two hours ago. The resulting broth is added directly to the bath.
- The horse chestnut. Take 1 kg of fruit, crush and add 3-4 liters of boiling water. Seos cook on a slow fire for about 30 minutes. The resulting mixture is cool, strain and use when in the bath.
- Birch leaf. Take 1 kg of leaves, cover with cold water and boil for 2 minutes. Insist 1 hour, then add water when bathing.

Herbal baths also helps get rid of fatigue, relieve swelling of the soft tissues, relax muscle fiber, accelerate the metabolism. They are also prescribed for chronic increased insomnia and anxiety, panic attacks.
Massage and self-massage
Well to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of degenerative disc disease neck massage. It also has a calming effect, so it is recommended that women more often than men. Proven methods are the Following working spine:
- Classic massage in the neck area. It involves rubbing the painful area, stroking, tapping other rules and detailed which improve blood circulation and normalize the movement of lymph.
- Point massage. It is associated with the effects of the acupuncture points, which helps in faster and to achieve safer desired effect. Process uses techniques, such as cotton, light rubbing, squeezing, pinching.
- Self-massage. In the field of technology Works specific to the shoulder girdle. The stabilisation and association agreement, smoothing, kneading, and pressure. Do not use a direct impact on the spine area, to no avail surrounding areas.
The affected area is Given in vain experienced, qualified professionals will be able to improve the condition. You can do this, before you can save the session qualifications of a man have to check and experience.
Folk remedies
Alternative medicine offers a variety of and methods of dealing with the pain of degenerative cartilage. They are level of use and the minimum number of topics. But in spite of this, by applying various compresses, rubbing and lotions, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.
Not following folk remedies:
- Its pack. Creams with the use of propolis, vodka, aloe juice can help get rid of inflammation, swelling, pain. Leave them overnight in order to facilitate the manifestation of symptoms.
- Cream. Medicines of their own making, effective as as bought in a pharmacy. They allow you to get rid of the inflammation and pain. To prepare the cream pois mother and food.
- Rubbing. Proven recipes vodka, radish and honey. Finely chop cooked to the recommended treatment area before bedtime. Daily use will greatly ease the condition.
- Decoctions. Good herbs to promote excretion of salts. Prepare a decoction of rose hips, calendula, licorice, st. john's wort, plantain, clover. Any ingredients, zaparivat 200 ml of boiling water before and enjoy the meals.
Any herbs should be used with caution, not forgetting that they can cause allergic reactions, overdose, side effects. If, after applying the homemade cream or rubbing redness of the skin, or other unwanted effects, the man should clean the place with a cloth dampened with warm water and consult a doctor.
Occupational therapy

Regardless of the stage of disease, doctors often prescribe exercises, which was developed by doctor Bubnovsky. Established itself as It is a simple and effective way to get rid of the unpleasant pain muscular frame, and strengthen, normalize blood lad flow to the affected area. Usually the Complex includes the following exercises:
- Stand up straight, tilt your head to the shoulder, stay in this position for 30 seconds. Return to the starting position repeat and on the other side.
- Tilt your head to the chest, neck upward and pull forward. The neck should be a little bit of muscle tension.
- Stand up straight, throw your head back, slowly turning it to the left, then right.
- Raise your hands above your head, throw them into the lock, the head gently turn to the right. Stay for 30 seconds work and run in the other direction.
- Stand up straight, craning forward, gradually expand your head to the side, away from the and try-the chin to the shoulders.
As well as to help cope with cervical osteochondrosis yoga, swimming i, qigong and other techniques. Regular exercise not only can help you to get rid of the physical symptoms of the disease, but panic attacks, depression.
Care at home I set
During exacerbation of cervical degenerative disc disease help get rid of pain in neck acupuncture. This full using a special device called set of Kuznetsova. It is simple to use and helps to achieve a stable result. For use the patient should lie on a flat hard surface, and press the applicator to the problem area with the help of pillows. Adjust the pressure of the needles may be disclosed. Apart from him, relieving pain at home application can, wax and paraffin.
Osteochondrosis of the cervical dangerous disease, which provokes degenerative changes in the spine. Therefore, treat him should be as early as possible. Or Some occupational therapy exercise enough to achieve a stable effect. Always requires a comprehensive approach. Treatment of state remedies should also be carried out under the supervision of an expert. This is especially important for people who suffer from chronic diseases, and which is set against the use of conventional tablets and injections.