Arthritis, osteoarthritis, polyarthritis and polyarthrosis, rheumatic – all similar concepts, but at the same time of each other. Understand what are their differences, it is difficult to even medical professional. Rheumatoid arthritis destruction of the damage to several organs at the same time: heart, blood vessels, nervous system, respiratory, musculoskeletal system. Other joint diseases, arthrosis and arthritis – is the most common. Difference between arthritis osteoarthritis, it is necessary to define each of them.

Arthritis differs from osteoarthritis: common signs
The disease is common Both just got their names "arthron". If translated from Greek, we get "common". Both diseases and associated problems pain in the joints. These abnormalities occur in the acute the negative feelings and discomfort. Lesions associated with cartilage layer limit and impede traffic. Osteoarthritis arthritis are and way of life changing the usual patient. It becomes difficult to move, there is pain, reduces the level of durability of the main characters are. However, each of these diseases occur in their scenario. It is important to make the correct diagnosis, the treatment will be high-quality and fast.
The symptoms of arthritis
Arthritis is characterized by the following features:
- Possible fever if the skin is changing around the context of red.
- Change the appearance of the joint.
- Tumor.
- Pain during movement.
- Pain when common press.
- Arthritis may be infectious diseases. Then there are all the symptoms of similar infections: a broken condition, fever, chills body.
Arthritis can affect a vain one or several connection. Acute pain occurs or gradually, and cause chronic disease. Then there is a dull aching pain.

The symptoms of osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis, for the most part, is a chronic disease. A very long time, you can't understand that you have this disease, because it occurs in the form of temporary aching pain. However, it can happen quickly and slowly. If time does not define osteoarthritis at an early stage, the disease leads to disability. Symptoms of osteoarthritis:
- Swelling the joint space. When arthritis paid, the situation is different: the joint swells in vain for acute illness. The disease is accompanied by severe pain.
- Crunch feeling and a common fragility. Published for the first minutes, the crunch were are a favorite owner, but, if you don't take care, so it is heard and others. A sense of the fragility of outlook often comes when you take or shower swimming i in the cool water.
- Nagging pain. In particular, when the common load affected. For example, when climbing stairs.
Most often, osteoarthritis occurs or a serious stress, trauma. The aching pain can get worse night and continued until morning.
What's worse, arthritis of the joint or osteoarthritis?

Of course, these are both diseases and quite serious, which is worse is hard to say. However, you can see an example of the remainder, where the issue of the knee joint. Arthritis, i.e. inflammation, the patient can help. Most often it is caused due to other infections occurring in the human body. If you improve to remove them and joint inflammation, arthritis of the knee to interfere again not you. Osteoarthritis is another story. It is an independent disease, caused by problems with cartilage. Often without surgery can not do here. Follow This long recovery. However, arthritis can cause of the disease first. Don't neglect the as well as ailments. I hope that I resolve the issue of the difference between arthritis osteoarthritis. If you are this article you enjoyed, share it with your friends by clicking on the icon in the social networks.
The difference between brands
What is the difference between arthritis osteoarthritis? Signs that indicate the presence of a disease. Arthritis osteoarthritis Signs and knee special. What is osteoarthritis? Chronic disease, destructive in nature. Feature of the disease – it affects and cartilage is irreversible. The disease most often affects both sexes aged people more than 60 years. That is, the knee osteoarthritis considered a disease, during which there is large-scale destruction of the cartilage. First, is the loss of major joints for example the ankle. Treatment was given special attention. When rheumatoid arthritis affects the hands or feet, inflammation often found in the bone joints. The main difference between osteoarthritis arthritis – the second disease is accompanied by inflammation of the large bone of the joints – knee, shoulder. Arthritis is often a secondary symptoms. In particular, it raises joint swelling, redness around. In addition, the patient has a fever, inhibit motor skills. To provoke the disease can be one of the factors: Allergy, infectious diseases, metabolic disorders and trauma.

In that case, the inflammatory process violation of the motor activity of man. In particular, the magnitude of the movements is greatly reduced. This restriction applies both to those movements, which are made independently and those where the Commission does not need help. Inflammation of the affected joint either one or several. Usually this is associated with the festival during the pain condition without a clear localization, the articular surface of the ankle or ny-foot intact. It is worth remembering that this greatest danger of the disease is that changes in paid not only to bone but also in other organs, e.g., digestive, visual, and excretory organs. Changes can also cause the dermis. Such as pain, arthritis with it constantly. English osteoarthritis the destruction of bone tissue usually are asymptomatic, without causing pain, so the patient does not notice it.
The difference between the symptoms
As osteoarthritis origin eri is the different arthritis? Osteoarthritis and different arthritis symptoms. Know, Hey, it is very important, because the symptoms of treatment and are connected to each other. Arthritis osteoarthritis occurs in the knee and similar symptoms. However, to distinguish between them is still possible. Arthritis osteoarthritis of the knee joint and the other manifested severe pain. However, the nature of pain is different. When you feel the arthritis pain the patient during movement or due to the load on the knees. He is sore, the attack continues for a long time. The first stage is characterized by the pain is mild, often so the disease is detected in vain during diagnostics. The next step, even under conditions of low load, the patient feels the pain. In the third stage of its development the disease is considered to be running. The pain can even occur in the complete absence of movement. Errors after the position of the joint in a comfortable, pain subsides.

Differences in diagnosis
To diagnose arthritis of different origin of osteoarthritis, and may in vain to find out the cause of this disease. Treatment began versus after the is to determine the level of education of the disease. In addition, at the time of diagnosis Clinicians should make a prediction to prevent a bad outcome. Osteoarthritis treatment of various stages of arthritis and start against, after a detailed diagnosis. Complex medical tests consists of clinical laboratory studies, x-ray, microscopy-bacteriological examination and the nature. Diseases of different origin differ with the test results. If left untreated, arthritis of osteoarthritis in a timely manner and, to improve it's going to be impossible. In addition, there should be a systematic prevention of arthritis and arthrosis. You want to get rid of arthritis osteoarthritis through and effective treatment? Pass a large-scale evaluation, which includes MRI and arthroscopy. Informative method, which can be used to detect differences in the manifestations of arthritis, osteoarthritis knee x-ray.
Differences in the treatment of
The treatment and How arthritis osteoarthritis? Symptoms treatment and ailments to each other. Arthritis treatment is the same, but some differences. From the point of view of medical science of the disease vary, therefore, in the treatment of arthritis sure. Treatment and How of osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis? To cure any ailments, help holistic treatment. In both cases, patients with osteoarthritis arthritis treatment and also medication (medicines prescribed by a doctor). Occupational therapy, which is occupational therapy, which is particularly important for patients with arthritis or arthrosis of the knee joint, because it helps to speed up treatment. Arthritis osteoarthritis joints the treatment and consult diet menu, which varies. For those who want to improve their health "without medicine" is often used to treat a variety of folk remedies. The disease long enough to take a can become chronic. Despite the reason for his appearance, they provoke the development of complications. Therefore, the patients need permanent or long-term visits with your doctor and undergo rehabilitation, the program, which is designed specifically Hey. To avoid the development of diseases should pay particular attention to the prevention of diseases.
- Firstly, man need time to cure diseases for all the support and musculoskeletal system cares about is-under rehabilitation after injuries.
- Secondly, a man should be limited to dosed physical or at least exertion, eat right and keep weight.
- Third, is to systematically address the doctor in order to determine the English and the repair of deformities of the bones.
So, the difference between these two diseases is significant. It manifests itself in the symptoms, signs and causes of diseases. The specific nature of the leak and also. Without timely professional treatment of inflammatory processes and cartilage bone can cause complications. To avoid the development of the disease to help prevention, which should be paid special attention.
Pathology of the joints: the difference between arthritis and osteoarthritis

Support and diseases are quite a musculoskeletal the most common among people and it is not in vain "payback" for the purpose of bipedalism, but also the effects of heavy physical exertion, injury and excess weight. To a layman it may seem that all these diseases are very similar or, on the contrary, have nothing in common. For example, between and arthritis osteoarthritis difference understandable in vain to expert.
The main differences between the
The human body is a movable connection of bones, which are called joints. The structure is basically similar: the epiphysis, joint destiny and the gap, forming a cavity, coated, the inside of which contains a gel-like joint fluid. These joints can be simple, consisting of two surfaces and the complex — 2-3 simple. A wide range of conditions that cause inflammation in the joints, which can also affect the overall health of the person, the muscle tissues of his and the skin, is called arthritis (at). More than 100 types of these diseases, each of which has its own my name, for example:
- degenerative changes — osteoarthritis;
- autoimmune-diseases — rheumatoid arthritis at gout, lupus and others.
- degenerative changes — osteoarthritis;
- autoimmune-diseases — rheumatoid arthritis at gout, lupus and others.
All these diseases may limit movement of the skeleton, as well as very reduce people's quality of life. Osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis (a-z) — one of the most common joint pathology, in which it stated, wear and tear of the cartilage. The art and fashion of cartilage to provide movement of the joints, but with age and it may thin completely disappear, which leads to pain syndrome when driving. Pay This is due to the fact that keep in contact with the bone you begin to each other. Most often osteoarthritis affects the joints in the hands, hip or the knee, but it is found in the ankle joint. Because human growth add to this your chances of developing the disease, the risk of injury and a double. Therefore, the difference and the level of arthritis osteoarthritis defined: the first is inflammation, another degenerative disease. Thus, arthritis in vain for one type of arthritis. To distinguish, what are the specific pathology a patient is suffering from, symptoms and instrumental examination. Regardless of nosological forms of diseases of the joints all must be under the supervision of a physician, this will help to avoid many serious consequences, action, and keep the engine.

Speaking of that, what is arthritis or osteoarthritis, how they differ, let's summarize. Arthritis – is a disease whose symptoms are similar to osteoarthritis, but there is no pain temporary, but permanent, even when the joint is at rest. The main reason for the disease is a chronic inflammatory process, which improves the void is, but to no avail suspended. The destructive forces of the disease are very quickly, and if untreated, arthritis less the rest of the joints. Arthritis – a disease of the elderly, the essence of the disease is limited and the complete absence of the cartilage of the joint force, as a result of which he began to eat it, thinning of the cartilage lining. When the last ice, the bones of the joint begin to "sit sadly" each other, causing their owner immense pain. Arthritis arthritis is a group of rheumatic diseases of the joints, the symptoms are very similar, but different days of the etiology and different treatment. Arthritis and arthritis – a serious disease that violates the integrity of the movement, their symptoms can unnecessarily spoil the mood, but reduces the performance, immobilize, lead to the loss of connection. Care and arduous lengthy process, which requires discipline and diligence, systematic receiving a large number of drugs.