Osteochondrosis – a disease very common, accompanied by stiffness, back pain, partial loss of movement in the legs and other problems. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine have unique symptoms and treatment. Often the development of pathology to find out unexpectedly. Usually the patient will experience excruciating pain during a sudden tilt, lifting weights, and any awkward movement.

Despite the unbearable pain, refers to expert advice, only half of the patients. And just a few to start treatment. In order to maintain health, it is necessary to disassemble the entire core of the disease and its danger.
What is pathology, what is dangerous?
Few people know that such a degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine. And certainly nobody knows what to do, osteochondrosis of the lumbar, thoracic or cervical. As a result, the disease is thrown, the appropriate treatment and care will not happen. It often ends lumbago, partial or complete paralysis of the lower limbs. You should carefully investigate the matter.
Intervertebral osteochondrosis of the lumbar localized, as the name implies, the lumbar region of the spine. The disease appears in the form of a partial destruction of the intervertebral cartilage. At this stage the pathology of the patient and does not know. But more significant grinding discs and degeneration causes pinched nerve branches. The nerve branch is a branch of the spinal cord, which are connected to other nerve endings in the extremities. Nerve branches pass between the vertebrae, so the combined spacers lead to their incarceration. To determine the localization of pinch symptoms: stiff movements, loss of sensation, and the former action of the limbs (and sometimes complete paralysis).
Research the question, what is degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine, it is important to determine the problems and dangers. Because of the lack of timely treatment breakthrough occurs, the fibrous ring, and it is full of division the nucleus pulposus and the formation of hernia.
To prevent this threat to the normal functioning of the consequences, it is necessary to begin treatment of the lumbar spine.
In order to timely detect problems, you should learn the signs of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine. This has the following symptoms according to the current development stage of pathology:
- In the first stage of intervertebral degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine is manifested only mild pain in the affected area during physical exertion. Also, after prolonged static posture, or incorrect movement. The pain will go away, after a long vacation.
- In the second stage compression of the nerve endings. This time, the patient suffers from severe pain that accompanied by a person, although the implementation is still simple movements. After a long holiday pain syndrome can be passed only after medication analgesic natural.
- The third phase of osteoarthritis is the destruction of annulus fibrosus and protrusion of nucleus pulposus. This is the symptoms of a hernia. Pain in osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine in this case to disturb the patient constantly. They are after relaxation and simple painkillers. There is a partial shackling movements, sudden events, leading to lumbago. Severe pain in just a few seconds it paralyzes the patient. The return of the old mobility in this case can take place in a few hours. This time, the patient noted loss of sensitivity to the skin surface of the affected area and pain on every movement.
- Fourth stage – this is the loss of motor activity. Sick of shuffling around like all movements cause pain syndrome. In the fourth stage of degenerative disc disease experts are beginning to talk about disability.

As a result of degenerative disc disease is an irreversible things. If the destructive process has begun, a complete cure of the pathology of impossible.
Development can be stopped, partially restore the original elasticity of the spine. Before analyzing the question of how to treat osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, it is necessary to consider the reasons for its development. This will help prevent destructive processes.
Lumbar degenerative disc disease, the treatment, which can vary more, because the conditions for the development of pathology has the following reasons for its occurrence:
- premature development of aging of the intervertebral discs;
- the development of the pathology, or any other changes, which lead to the loss of tone of the muscles;
- wrong distribution of the load on the spine. For example, the work of the loader or driver leads to a significant strain on the lower back;
- the genetic background of diseases related to the joints, bones, ligaments and tendons;
- disk corruption, because of injuries, contusions, fractures.
Greater lumbar osteochondrosis develops today, office workers, people who want to spend more time behind the wheel or the computer. It turns out that the most common cause of destruction of the intervertebral discs is a long-term static position.
Exacerbation of
Very often, the doctors diagnosed acute low back pain lumbar spine the patient's complaints of severe pain and partial or complete immobility. Aggravation is formed, because the wrong treatment or not. Increased symptoms might be due to non-compliance with the recommendations of the behavior of the patient. Exacerbation of osteochondrosis of lumbar segment requires treatment. Prescriptions the rapid removal of pain and suffering.
The patient in the period of exacerbation is recommended to stay in bed for 3-7 days. This will help to remove the pain. Of course, in the period of exacerbation is impossible to do without medication. Prescribed corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory in nature and other painkillers.
Several patients in the period of exacerbation is in the clinic where the treatment using blockers is a special substance, the introduction into the affected area between the vertebrae. The blockade is the procedure, after which the link that leads to severe pain syndrome, simply drops out of the circuit. You can do this, it "neutralizes" the drug, after which all the necessary care the right aggravation. The advantage to the blockade – without pain to the patient, which can cause serious distress at the slightest movement.
Recovery is completely influences symptoms and treatment medication of the disease. It can take 2 weeks to a year depending on the stage. Tired of the same, if you experience severe pain rightly ask, is it possible to cure osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Experts answer "no" is just frustrating, and it is a problem. The impossibility of a complete cure because of lack of medicines and methods for full restoration of damaged cartilage. But timely treatment can stop the destruction and partially compensate for the loss. This will get rid of suffering and completely forget about the disease. The treatment of low back pain every six months, passing a comprehensive medical examination and following the advice of experts.

Firstly, the question of how to treat osteochondrosis of the lumbar, is the use of drugs. Here are the following groups of assets:
- Anti-inflammatory drugs. Pain in osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine showing the presence of inflammation in the affected area.
- The muscle relaxants. Designed to relieve the spasm of the muscles, which are also eaten and are the result of the inflammatory process.
- B-vitamins positively affects the nervous system and helps to restore damaged cells.
- Chondroprotectors. The purpose is to restore the partially destroyed in the intervertebral cartilage. These drugs are able to fully repair the damage, but their beneficial effects is not fully known.
How to treat lumbar degenerative disc disease – depending on the case of internal injuries. Lumbar osteohondroz interferes with the internal organs of the abdomen and pelvis, which has caused the blood circulation disorders and nutrients. Depending on the circumstances, can be in addition to prescription medication to restore the kidneys, pancreas, intestines, urinary tract.
Lumbar degenerative disc disease, symptoms and treatment, which require comprehensive examination and application of methods, can not do without massage. Type of massage and intensity are directly dependent on the degree of destruction and loss. Often the patient is also given a CT scan and x-ray to determine infection and other results of inadequate treatment.
Massage appoint a doctor – it is guided by the results of the tests. To perform the procedure should only be a specialist in a medical facility. The beginning of self-massage is strictly forbidden, because incorrectly chosen technique and contra-indications to perform can only harm the patient even more.
It is important to know the fact that treated whether degenerative disc disease of the lumbar physiotherapeutic procedures. Here comes the only positive answer, but, taking into account all possible factors. Each stage requires its pathology treatment. The most common include such techniques as:
- amplipuls;
- UHF;
- magneto therapy.
Such effective in the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine is analgesic, and vasodilatory effect. Together with the application of chondroprotectors and vitamins, recovery occurs faster, because the active and beneficial substances to a greater extent from the affected area.
Other methods
There are a few unusual, but effective methods, like the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine. Here are the following areas:
- Acupuncture – the use of acupuncture has a positive effect on blood circulation in the spinal cord. It is also useful to build the damaged cartilage.
- Hirudotherapy – treatment with leeches has a lot of contraindications. But when properly prescribed sessions in the treatment of this pathology, there is a considerable effect. This is due to the fact that the cleansing of the blood, which is necessary to prevent an aggravation and further development of the disease.
- Myostimulation – the effect of an electric current, awakening stimulates the blood circulation and stimulates the internal organs. The method also has many contraindications, but quite effective to restore the damaged internal organs.
- Spinal traction – prescribed for a pinched nerve in the bone of the spinal cord, and in the presence of the already formed hernia. Bet is performed on a special bed, where a man's tie and pull at the extremes. Maximum grip provides increased clearance between the vertebrae up to 4 cm, Which gives the opportunity to eliminate the harassment, prevent hernia formation or to remove it (though for a short time).

The method name is just the doctor according to the diagnosed stage of the disease, and other nuances. Pass sessions are recommended every six months to prevent relapse.
Specialists determine how to treat osteochondrosis of the lumbar part, only after the approved research. Often, it is the specified action, which in most cases is associated with a hernia is all available medical companies way. Surgical intervention, doctors have already resorted to conservative treatment, if it does not lead to a cure.
Sometimes the operation is performed after the ineffective closures or other drugs. Condition is the constant pain and immobility of the patient for 3 months.
Management reviewed the pathology has a long and crucial period, which could drag on for years. By the way, pass the inspection and relevant procedures, the patient now is every six months or one year. Osteochondrosis is a pathological destruction irreversible. Therefore, the "joke" with the disease should not.